How to handle technical debt in software development?

When delving into the world of software development, you’re likely familiar with the concept of technical debt and are keen to explore its solutions. For those seeking a primer, let’s briefly introduce the topic before diving into effective approaches to manage it.

“How to handle” rather than “how to get rid of”

It's more like "How to handle" rather than "how to get rid of", because technical debt isn't just a one-time problem to erase from existence; it's an ongoing aspect of software development that requires thoughtful management and strategic decision-making.

If you’ve landed here, you’re likely familiar with the concept of technical debt and seeking insights into how to address it. For those who are new to the term (and even for those seeking a quick refresh), let’s start with a brief introduction to the topic.

Technical debt is a natural part of software development and is tightly coupled with engineering in general. I even tend to say that it’s directly related to the Agile software development methodology. It’s like the decisions we make now can impact us later – a bit like planting seeds that will grow into a garden, and we must nurture them.  It can be a good thing when we are paying this debt regularly, and when we think twice before assuming it.

All right, but what is technical debt actually?

In short words, tech debt refers to taking shortcuts during development and preparing a long-term solution later. It’s common when some functionalities should be released yesterday, while today we’re still in the middle of the implementation. While it might seem tempting to accumulate some debt for the sake of speed, the key lies in having a plan to repay it sooner rather than later, and fostering a culture of responsible tech debt management.

⚠️Tech debt – like any other debt – should be paid.

Now, why should you care about paying off tech debt? Well, think of it as any other kind of debt you might accumulate. Ignoring it can lead to trouble down the line. Sure, taking shortcuts might give you a quick win in the short term, but in the long run, it can trigger a slew of issues. These range from slower development processes and a surge in bugs to soaring maintenance costs. 

Picture this: you’ve been tossing random things into your basement for years, and now you need to find something specific. Chaos, right?
But hold on, you might be thinking, didn’t you say it could make sense sometimes? Absolutely! The key is knowing when. Sometimes, meeting an urgent deadline or delivering a crucial feature to users quickly is more important than achieving absolute technical perfection. The key is to be conscious of the debt you’re taking on and to have a plan for addressing it down the road.

Who is responsible for technical debt?

Actually, the truth is that technical debt is natural in Agile software companies.

If you’re agile and try to develop applications according to constantly changing business needs, then you have to say “hello” to your old, good technical debt friend.

Being agile often means experimenting, trying new things, and validating concepts. Usually in this case preparing an ultimate solution is neither effective nor efficient.

All right, but I’ve created a temporary implementation (so actually assumed a tech debt) and verified whether it makes sense – the answer is “yes”. Now what? Is it time to settle that debt? Absolutely, if you can. If not, ensure you’re planning to address it in the near future. Remember, whether you’re the CTO or a Developer, the responsibility lies with you to drive this concept forward.

Team stability is often a key factor in getting rid of tech debt

Who’s the best source to uncover the technical shortcuts taken in the past? It’s the very team that worked on it. This is no coincidence, that during our tech debt analysis (after our initial work in this matter, not biased anyhow), we discuss our findings with the origin team, preferably with developers – of course, if the team is still reachable.

Through these discussions, we gain more than just the technical nitty-gritty; we tap into the backstory of those decisions.

If there’s a big lineup change in your team’s future (let’s face it, less glamorous software might not be alluring to developers), having Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) is a savvy move. These records act as a documentation treasure trove for all project-related architectural choices. They’re like a roadmap for future generations working on the project, ensuring the legacy lives on.

Plan, even if you’re Agile

Being agile is often a great way to move things forward, but when it comes to the world of technical debt, a strategic long-term plan is equally important. A set of standards can actually help a lot and often the introduction of a dedicated process makes sense.

Imagine this scenario: you’re making a change driven by business needs. However, this shift might inadvertently accumulate technical debt, especially under tight deadlines or when validating new concepts with real users. To manage this, a structured process for addressing technical debt could include a crucial step – documenting this debt in a designated place, complete with all the essential details to grasp the change’s contextual intricacies. By integrating this practice, you’re fostering a smoother route toward managing both your evolving technology and your business objectives.

Ongoing refactoring

They say that Rome was not built in a day. This old proverb is very true and probably applies to everything in life. Just like our experts didn’t gain their skills overnight, you won’t fix all the issues in the blink of an eye. Sorry, it’s a gradual process that needs some patience and preparation.

When it comes to dealing with technical debt, it’s best not to rush.
Making significant changes all at once usually isn’t the wisest approach. Instead, think of it as an ongoing process. From a business perspective, this method tends to be the most effective for progress. By addressing technical debt step by step, you can still meet business needs and deliver features while making improvements. Plus, this approach makes it easier to assess the impact of changes as you go along. And speaking of results…

Measure the change

Can we always measure technical debt? Well, it’s a bit like asking if all cakes taste the same – it depends on the recipe (or in this case, the situation).

Let’s break it down into two scenarios:

  1. Old code, new problems
    Using an old PHP version with outdated syntax in the code – this is a great case where an appropriate tool can show us concrete numbers, for example, how many classes can be modified to fit the new PHP syntax.
  2. Problem-solving style
    Using a specific approach to solve a problem – this is often an abstract case, and measuring is hard. Think about solving a puzzle. Sometimes the way you tackle it is more like art than science. This is similar to certain situations in tech. Sometimes, measuring technical debt is like trying to count clouds.

If we can measure it, we definitely should. It’s like checking if your cake is getting better after adding that secret ingredient. And if those planned changes are really helping to fix the tech debt, it’s a big win!

But if measuring seems like counting the stars in the sky, then we have to rely on gut feelings and opinions – kind of like picking your favorite cake flavor without a taste test. Sometimes, you just gotta roll with it.

Automated tests for the win!

Ever wondered how automated tests can help clear technical debt?  One of the best ways to actually pay the debt is to properly create foundations for this process.
If you have a piece of software consisting of a set of concrete functionalities, and you want to pay the tech debt there, then preparing automation tests covering these functionalities should be one of the first steps to take. If you spend some time doing it, then you can sleep well at night, it’s so simple.

Imagine you’ve got these automated tests in place. They’re like proof that your functions are running smoothly. Now, when you dive into the ongoing process of tidying up your code (that’s the refactoring part), these tests should still run smoothly and remain “green”. Sometimes you might need a tweak here and there, but overall, it’s all in control.

In the end, you land with refactored functionality and a set of tests covering it, so if somebody in the future improperly changes the code (and breaks the functionality), tests will show it.

By the way, it’s a good idea to have automated pipelines running in the repository, always checking how the tests are doing. But hey, that’s a whole other story. Let’s get back to the tech debt talk!

How can tech debt be a good thing?!

Is it possible for technical debt to have a silver lining? It might sound surprising, but well-handled technical debt can actually signal a strong relationship between business and technology.

Consider this scenario: A business has specific needs, and software is developed to address those needs, even if it’s not the final, polished solution. If technical debt is acknowledged and addressed in a timely manner, following a sensible plan, and tackled collaboratively by the team, it can become a normal aspect of the software development process.

Please note, that we’re saying that tech debt CAN be a good thing. There are some cases, where you have to manage it very carefully or even where there is no space for it at all – especially when it comes to people’s health and lives.

How can we tackle technical debt in your apps?

Do you wonder how we tackle technical debt in our clients’ applications? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution – it varies based on your unique situation. But don’t worry, we’re here to shed light on the process.

Here’s a peek into our general approach to software audit:

  1. Thorough solution review
    We kick things off by examining your solution. This means diving into every nook and cranny of your:
    • Documentation
    • Technology stack
    • Architecture
    • Code
  1. Crunching the numbers
    We also try to generate some numbers, so we use our battle-tested set of tools to get some concrete indicators of the code-related attributes.
  2. Team talk
    Your technical team’s insights are invaluable. We engage in meaningful conversations with them because your team’s perspective matters.
  3. Crafting the debt-payment plan
    Armed with insights, we draft a plan to tackle the debt. This isn’t a unilateral decision; we collaborate with your team. If we hit a bump, expect a lively debate or two – healthy discussions lead us forward.
  4. Executing the plan
    With the plan in place, it’s time for action. We dive into development, or if you prefer, we guide you through the process as consultants.
  5. Constant measurements
    Measure, measure all the time! As self-proclaimed geeks, we adore numbers. Throughout the journey, we keep measuring and tracking progress. It’s how we roll.

We’ve got a long history of Agile expertise, and we’re adept at sorting things out – even if that means temporarily putting them out of order. We’re all ears for your refactoring ideas, ready to match them up with best practices and real-world experience.


Your software’s well-being matters to us!
If you’re thinking that it’s time to examine your software’s technical debt, don’t hesitate to reach out.

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